Monday, September 15, 2014

No Good Deed is Classically Thrilling

photo credit: google images

It's been a while since I've gone to the movies and have seen a really good thriller; one with suspense, shock and characters with kick-ass instinct. I have to say, No Good Deed had it all.

Idris Elba plays Colin Evans, an escaped convict who crashes his car in the pouring rain and ends up seeking refuge from Teri, (played by Taraji P. Henson)  a mother to two young children and a wife to an out of town husband.

 Being a trusting person, Teri gives Colin the phone to call for a tow truck but makes the mistake of letting him in the house while he waits. It is from this point on that Teri must do everything in her power to keep Colin from killing her and her children.

What I liked about this movie was that it was not at all predictable and there was a huge surprise toward the end that helped us understand the character of Colin Evans a bit more. Toward the end of the movie, everyone in the audience was cheering and clapping for Teri who had some serious bad-ass moments.

I would definitely pay money to see this movie again. Great writing!