Monday, December 9, 2013

Mixed Feelings: Homefront

While this movie was filled with talented and well known actors, the plot discouraged my perception of them.

Jason Statham plays Phil Broker, a former undercover agent whose past assignment gained him an enemy with a meth dealer. Prior to being arrested, the dealer proclaimed vengeance on Broker.

Two years after the drug bust, Broker moved himself and his little girl to a new town, where he made new enemies with connections to the drug dealer he busted. This turned into a full on war.

Throughout the movie, I was torn between excitement and hate. Though I have always enjoyed a good action packed movie, I found this film to be a bit dark for my taste. I was most affected by the scenes that involved the child; I could not bare to watch grown men and women go after an innocent young girl.

For those who enjoy movies with non-stop action and suspense, this is the perfect film to watch. But if you dislike graphic and disturbing visuals, this may not be the film for you.

photo credit: google images

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