Monday, February 23, 2015

A Plus for The Duff

Mae Whitman, known for her role as Amber Holt on the hit NBC series Parenthood, has made a new name for herself in this tale of high school scrutiny.

photo credit: google images

The Duff tells the story of high school tom-boy Bianca whose entire high school existence rests on her two beautiful and popular best friends Jess and Casey. It's only after an encounter with her gorgeous athlete neighbor Wesley, that Bianca comes to the harsh realization that she is her best friends' Duff- Designated Ugly Fat Friend. It is from this moment that she enlists Wesley's help to find her high school identity.

photo credit:google images

When I first heard about this movie and what the name stood for, I wasn't sure how I would feel about it but I love Mae Whitman and was interested to see her outside of her comfort zone as Amber Holt. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was literally laughing from beginning to end, mostly because the movie was so relatable to the everyday high school experience.

The character I most closely related was Bianca. She was an aspiring writer who did not try to conform to everyone's expectations but instead owned her unique style. I think everyone who sees this film can relate to at least one character from it.

I don't usually say this in my reviews but when this movie comes to DVD, I am definitely going to buy it! Go See This Film.

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